A simple post into the blogosphere on the near-future release of Metaphysia 2012, described by test audiences as:
An urgent multi-sensory experience for exploring, understanding, and healing our world.
The powers of all that is good and promising are in a fierce battle with all that would challenge them. And in the midst of this, human society is confused, overwhelmed, and wondering.
We are seeing unprecedented global transformation to all structures of society; and all this, as we are counting down to the prophetic passage of the year 2012.
We have great cause for celebration during this passage, as we get to participate in powerful new waves of higher conscious living, such as the election (finally) of our first African American President in the United States - a true cause for celebration.
Yet, others have a sense for a year ahead that could be much more challenging than anything we have ever witnessed. Great challenges: such as the potential collapse of our entire global economic system seem looming.
In the midst of this the question is: why? Why is the world in such upheaval and change as never before? And Why Now?
Ultimately the deeper question on everyone's mind is: where are we heading? What kind of future lies ahead for the human family?
Volumes upon volumes of books have been published in an attempt to answer this fundamental question. But really, who has time to read them all? And even then, whose version of reality and destiny are you going to believe?
Even so, there are certainly a few things we can agree upon: this is perhaps one of the most exciting times to be alive on Planet Earth, and also perhaps one of the most dangerous.
So it is: the yin and yang of opposites, rising to a fierce intensity and polarity as never before - and with it... a strange sense of wonder and hope and discovery behind it all.
And then, suddenly, a simple Documentary appears: called Metaphysia 2012 - one person's humble search to find real answers to serious questions, and even discover a new kind of Certainty and Peace within this great storm of Change.
But perhaps Metaphysia 2012 will only be an introduction, an enjoyable and provocative surface ride upon a Great Ocean of New Information - where beneath it live the true depths and mysteries of this Sea; and we all know, it takes great time and energy to plumb those depths.
Yet, sooner or later, through our natural inclinations for evolution and growth, each of us must take a dive.
Metaphysia is intending to begin public release sometime in 2009 or early 2010.
As test audiences have remarked, the film will stimulate you on many different levels of your being, both physical and metaphysical, activating new inner senses of awareness and wisdom.
What you do with this activation, beyond the experience of the film, will truly be the Mystery ahead.
Current Total Run Time: 108 minutes